Yumemi Yumemite

Yumemi Yumemite

Gender: Female

A second-year student in charge of PR for the student council. She also works as an idol, but there’s a huge gap between her facade and her true face.
Yumemi has a two-faced personality.

- On the outside, she is a sweet and lovely girl who loves her fans above all.

- However, in reality, she's an arrogant, calculated and sadistic person, who will do everything to be on top.

She's also disgusted by her fans as she often calls them 'pigs' but at the same time, she doesn't want to turn in meetings with them, due to her dream of becoming a famous actress in Hollywood and winning an Academy Award.

Yumemi never enjoys the dancing routines the fan club comes up with and has shown to be disgusted by their 'sweaty gross palms'. She is motivated by stating on top and achieving an academy reward which is why she involves herself with the fans as much as she can. Even though she is mostly focused on herself, she manages to remember the birthday dates of all her fans in her fan club which she tries using to her advantage when she gets herself caught in a gamble with Yumeko Jabami.
