Tatsuhisa Suzuki

Tatsuhisa Suzuki

Gender: Male

Height: 173 cm
Agency: I'm Enterprise

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Tatsuhisa is a Japanese voice actor and singer, and he is affiliated with I'm Enterprise and Lantis. He is the vocalist of the rock band OLDCODEX under his stage name Ta_2, who also provides the opening/ending themes of many of the anime he stars in. He not only sings but also composes some of the songs. He also belongs to Style Five, in charge of the endings of Free! He also likes bicycling, karaoke, reading and video games.

He is known for his numerous roles in anime series, his main breakout roles in the West were as Takao in Kuroko no Basuke and especially as Makoto Tachibana in Free!. He is not only known for his voice in anime, but also in video games. For example, he gave voice to Noctis (FFXV) and Alfonse (FEH).

He is married to the famous singer LiSA. In late July 2021, it was reported that he was involved in an affair with a 20-year old fan. The next month he announced that he would suspend all entertainment activities due to poor health, later issuing an apology for his "irresponsible and inappropriate actions". His agency stated that he would gradually resume activities while recovering. In March 2022, his agency announced his full return to work from hiatus, along with another apology to fans.







